Export date: Mon Mar 10 23:09:05 2025 / +0000 GMT


Price: 299.00 ex. VAT/Sales Tax

SKU: 105006

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Product Summary

The TRC472 glareshield is made out of black, leatherprint, non flammable 3 mm. ABS and is vacuum formed. The middle section is cutted out to hold the metal panel and instruments. Mounting holes for the metal panel are pre-drilled.

Product Description

The TRC472 glareshield is made out of black, leatherprint, non flammable 3 mm. ABS and is vacuum formed. The middle section is cutted out to hold the metal panel and instruments. Mounting holes for the metal panel are pre-drilled. Combined with the white cabinet (which fits exactly into the front of the glareshield) you can create a complete closed flight simulator product. (See also the blank metal- or fully finished panel).

Dimensions (approx.):
Black Glareshield 106 x 50 x 12.5 cm. (approx. 41.7 x 19.7 x 4.7 inches)

Product Attributes

  • Dimensions: 110 × 60 × 20 cm
  • Weight: 10 kg

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Product added date: 2018-04-10 11:35:18
Product modified date: 2024-11-26 11:21:42

Export date: Mon Mar 10 23:09:05 2025 / +0000 GMT
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