This section contains all downloadable software to control the CCU, the RSC, the SIC or the Multi Controller. Please download the software and install as required. It is highly recommended to read the instructions prior to installing any software! This software is not supported anymore.
Note: To control the Simkits hardware from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, FSUIPC3.xx is necessary.
To control the Simkits hardware from Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX, FSUIPC4.xx is necessary. (14 Kb)
USB Driver and INF file for the CCU and SIC (all versions). To be downloaded and saved in a known directory first, prior to installing the TRC Link Setup software. When connecting the CCU (1/2) or the SIC for the first time to your PC, the PC will ask for the INF file and system driver.
Board Test (24 Kb)
Use this program to test the CCU controller board. This program only works when the TRClink Interface and Calibration software has been installed.
Latest version of the Radiostack driver software.
Multicontroller (2,33 Mb) (version 1.8 – 10 April 2007)
This updated software controls the Multi Controller Board and enables calibration of the connected instruments. It includes the software to program an identifier into the Multi Controller Board giving it a unique identification number which enables you to connect up to 32 Multi Controllers to a single PC. The software includes all Project Magenta Codes. The software is release at 10 April 2007. Some bugfixes are done to solve compatibility problems with FSUIPC4. (14 Kb)
USB Driver and INF file for the Radio Stack Controller. To be downloaded and saved in a known directory first, prior to installing the Radio Stack Setup software. When connecting the Radio Stack Controller for the first time to your PC, the PC will ask for the INF file and system driver.